Is kberoFtp will still working.. or a new version should be out like kwuftd?

Emmanuel Paré
GIS/Programming for DBX Geomatics

-----Original Message-----
From: Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 18 septembre, 1999 09:27
Subject: Re: [Cooker] wu-ftpd 2.6.0...

>On Sat, 18 Sep 1999, Michael Irving wrote:
>> On Sat, 18 Sep 1999, you wrote:
>> > I've just put wu-ftpd 2.6.0 [pre2] in Cooker.
>> > Please test this package thoroughly and let me know of any problems...
>> > Unless any major bugs turn up, we'll release it by Friday... [Speaking
>> > the wu-ftpd development group here, not for Mandrake]
>> Have you totally stopped developing bero ftpd?
>BeroFTPD and wu-ftpd have been merged together again.
>The only reason I started BeroFTPD was that wu-ftpd seemed to be pretty
>much stalled - a new release only every few months, not integrating any of
>the fixes or new features people like myself posted on the lists.
>After 2.4.2beta17, things started to be different, there was wu-ftpd
>stock, which was stalled, there was wu-ftpd-vr, Gregory Lundberg's version
>of what the daemon should be, and BeroFTPD, my version of what it should
>Since more and more people got annoyed with this, the old maintainer was
>finally ruled out and starting with 2.5.0, wu-ftpd was transfered to an
>open development group led by Gregory and myself.
>The 2.6.0 version is all about getting the BeroFTPD features and fixes
>back into wu-ftpd, and I have CVS write access to the tree, so I don't see
>a need to work on BeroFTPD anymore because basically wu-ftpd 2.6.0 =
>BeroFTPD 1.4.0.
>I'll probably release a wu-ftpd 2.6.0 version I just repackaged as
>BeroFTPD 1.4.0 just so people see where we're headed. ;)
>Tired of waiting for Windows 2000?

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