On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, Jeff West wrote:

> >From the Midgard web page:
> How difficult would it be to replace MySQL with Oracle or some other RDBMS?
> With the current releases of Midgard, impossible. There is some
> MySQL-specific stuff in the Midgard code. However, there has been some talk
> of supporting other databases. Why this hasn't been done already is because
> there just hasn't been enough need for it.
> Midgard 2.0 (due out in Q4 1999) should work with any ODBC-enabled database.

Aaarg...  ok, does anyone know if dbases can be converted between mySQL
and PostgreSQL?  If so, I don't mind fiddling with mysql and using it
temporarily until Midgard can support it, but I definately like pgsql
better.  I don't use any of the features of Midgard other than the PHP
stuff (at least for right now).  Should that impact things at all?  I
mean, it does come with a pgsql module which I'm assuming should connect
to a pgsql server via PHP3, but it doesn't... neither does it work with
mod_php3, which I thought odd, but when I tried to recompile mod_php3
specifically adding "--with-pgsql" it came up with a whole bunch of errors
that wouldn't allow me compile it...  That's where I'm really confused
because I do have postgresql-devel installed.

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