> >  rpm -e kcmclock*
> > error: package kcmclock-0.1-2mdk.i586.rpm is not installed
> wrong commandline, rpm -e kcmclock (no *)

No... it does not make a difference either way I have the same response.

What I did was to rename the directory /usr/share/doc/HTML/update
to something else (updatedir for instance)
Then ran again

rpm -Uvh kdelibsxxx[whatever] and created a new folder [simbolic folder] named
with a lot of stuff inside... so happily finish the instalation!

 rpm -ivh --force kdelib*
warning: /usr/share/config/charsets saved as /usr/share/config/charsets.rpmorig
warning: /usr/share/config/kdebug.areas saved as
kdelibs                     ##################################################


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