I have an Abit BP6 with 2xCeleron 366 (not overclocked when installing), 64 PC100 SDRAM, Quantum Fireball CX 13,2 Gb (2.0 Gb Win98 vfat = /dev/hda1, 2.5 Gb vfat = /dev/hda5, the rest empty and reserved for Linux), Matrox G400 DH, Mitsumi CR-4802 CD-RW drive, nothing special.
There have been three unsuccessful attemps at installing Cooker from Local Hard Drive d: (/dev/hda5):
a) Using gi_hd.img there is the error message
        "Error creating RAM disk"
b) Using boot.img after I select /dev/hda5 and / the installation exits and kills all the processes.
c) I install Mandrake 6.0 without any problems from CD-ROM. When trying to update this to Cooker from /dev/hda5 I get again the above results.
Is this a Cooker problem or has it something to do with my Win98 partitions?

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