I upgraded to Mandrake Cooker from RedHat 6.1 . Things started out well.
The graphical installer worked well, my SCSI card was detected etc.
Unfortunately when it got to video configuration it would complain that
it could not find and certain file by the name of "Cards" or some such.
I skipped the step and rebooted.

Upon rebooting I discovered a number of very irritating things. Cooker's
installer had not cleanly unmounted my Linux partitions which resulted
in a 10 minute FSCK.  Cooker's max security mode did nothing other than
shut down all network interfaces so they wouldn't launch on bootup as
well as most of my daemons. Most aggregious was that it actually
commented out my /etc/resolv/conf . Having gotten networking fixed, I
tried to startx . No dice. Cooker's installer had removed my previous
config. I then tried to install the XFree86 RPM which seemed to have not
been installed either. I got my very first kernel oops.

Thankfully Cooker had saved my old 2.2.13-31mdkfb kernel, so I booted
off it. After another long FSCK, I installed XFree86. I try startx
again. Can't because X can't find XF86Config file. I run Xconfigurator.
Log out as root. Log in as user. Can't startx. Log in back as root. Can
startx. Finally decided upon chmod a+rw /etc/X11/XF86Config. Did the
trick. Next problem is KDE. Error loading symbol from
/usr/lib/libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2: no such file or directory. I
dutifully made the symlink. Fantastic. KDE loads. I type backspace in my
Konsole window. Tilde appears. I examine X log after logging out of KDE.
Discover that X could not write to /var/tmp/xmkb or some such. I chmod
a+rw the directory. Launch X. Finally a usable system. I am now
currently in the process of setting up all the little daemons that have
been disabled.

This message was not meant as an exercise in grumbling. I am not a Linux
know-it-all, however I'm not a newbie either. I think most of the issues
I came across require some sort of addressing. Thanks for your time and
happy hacking.

Dara Hazeghi

P.S. KFM still crashes loading www.linux-mandrake.com . Just segfaults .
Also whenever I start up KFM I get annoying messages like: Could not
find mime-type audio/x-m3u in /usr/share/applnk/Multimedia/kmpg.kdelnk.
I can't install kmpg because it conflicts with kmp3. Oh and the KDE icon
for .asc files is about 2X the size it should be.

Also why do floppy and cdrom automagically mount on boot? Seems a bit
strange, and generates all sorts of errors. Thanks again.

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