Dear AWE 64 Gods,

My friend asked me to pass on excessive amounts of joy as he heard the
midi sampleplay from his speakers for the first time in all the Linux
installs he's tried (well I've made him try). This includes SUSE,RedHat
5-6.1, and your previous offerings. However I think I've found an error.
Using the graphical login (KDM) on any user and windowmaker combination we
always get greeted ba single white Xterm. I've remedied this by creating
a .xinitrc and using console access and startx so I know kde is there.
I've not switched back to the gui login since so I am not sure whether
it'll work now or not. I am sure its a quick fix. I would at this point
like to ask for a feature to be added which I hope isn't too much trouble.
Would it be possible to add the option shutdown the X serverr to the
pulldown dialog box with the other restart and shutdown commands? I know I
can simply change to a vterm to get to a console prompt but sometimes I
would like to get rid of entirely. I usually telinit to 3 to do this but
my friend is a console newbie that would like to be able to get to console
from the GUI login.  Keep up the incredible work guys; the graphical
installer looks great and functions even better.

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