Intalled 7.0b on the following systems with no issues
Dual PII 350                   PII 350 ( single)
256 MB SDRAM           128 MB SDRAM
ATI Rage 128 32 MB      Voodoo 3 3000 16 MB
Clean Install                      ( used defualted server til I upgraded
with 3DFX's Own )
10 GB (Primary) <ATA-66>13 GB (Primary)
8 GB ( secondary)                10 GB ( secondary )
17 Kleer Monitor                  17 Kleer Monitor

In both systems the installation went without any problems. The options for
system 1 was Expert-->Development installation with system 2 the option
being Customize > Development. There were no problems with libs being
installed. Compiled 2 apps from source on both systems with no errors
 Webmin and one that I am working on in Mandrake 6.1 called LinCure very
alpha Norton Ultilities like app ). I did not use Hard Drive optimization on
either of the installs. I will when I start them over again to test Network
Configuration of boths systems under DrakX went smoother then other systems
I have tested with GUI installers and Autodetects). I will report ofcourse
any bugs I may find along the way that are release killers/ security
exploits ( none at all so far ).

As far as I am concerned once again you have produced thus far in this beta
another excellent release of Mandrake and I will continue to Recommend
Mandrake as the distro of choice to Clients I develope for. Hopefully when
LinCure is near Beta phase (and I stop pulling my hair out) I can release it
for testing ( it will made available to all Linux users/tester in Feb 2000
with a public alpha in Jan) in general public.

Thank You
Bil "Archain" Hughes
Genius Tech, Inc

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