This is a problem that has plagued me for quite some time under 6.0/6.1, so I
was hoping a fresh install of 7.0 would solve the problem.  Unfortunately, it
still persists.

The problem is that when I select an item from a gtk list, such as a package to
upgrade in MandrakeUpdate or a file in the standard gtk file dialog, it causes
display problems with other gui elements (usually buttons) in the dialog.  For
example, when a list item is selected, the button that currently has focus will
suddenly change its visual state to look like it does when it is "pressed".
Passing the mouse mouse over any gtk button (when a list item is selected)
toggles its visual state similarly, so that it alternates between looking
"pressed" and "unpressed".  The app itself functions correctly; it's only the
gui's appearance that is affected.

This is on a fresh install of Oxygen from last night.


The current desktop environment doesn't affect the situation; this problem
happens everytime regardless of whether I'm in kde or gnome.

Has anyone else experienced this problem?  Is there a fix?  It's annoying as
all get-out... :)


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