Yep, the good old "restart" does indeed add several of
the programs...   but not all. (hehe reminds me of litestep for windows. 
gotta restart that all the time to fix the video glitches. :-))

 I was looking thru my rpms and found that neet freeciv game and 
realized it was already installed but was not on any of my menus.  

Retstarting didn't add it! doh!  I had to manually browse to the 
/usr/games/    dir and execute it via a browser window.  Darned command
prompt wouldn't work either! hahaha 

Lou Guerriero

> well you should get a .desktop or .kdelnk anytime you install a kde app,
> you only need to restart kpanel to make them show. The panel for gnome is
> pretty much the same but doesn't have the nice "restart" button kpanel
> does.

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