Okay...no matter what I do...no matter how many times I try, I keep getting errors
when trying to setup my sound card.  If there is anyone, and I do mean anyone, out
there who would be willing to help me try and set it up, please let me know.  By
this point I am pretty much desparate :P.

Any help is most graciously appreciated.

James Jennison
Software Developer I
e-CommLink, Inc
1 (713) 402-1221

Roger wrote:

> Yup, Yup!  works "almost" like a charm.  if you want to do another task other
> than watch/listen to realplayer, it "will" (not might), will crash!  think they
> did this purposely to frustrate us!
> Once i got my sound working (dunno if plugger helped) but it now works.  Also,
> it's an updated RealPlayer G2 rpm.
> It just might need sound to work, not sure.  In past, have had major
> difficulties with it until i d/l'd this recent rpm from www.real.com (rpm)
> within the past 2 mos. give it a try and see if it works now.  kinda curious if
> it was my sound or if it was just the old package (probabely the later).
> On Wed, 05 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> > >found out that i had to install the "plugger rpm" to get midi working on
> > >webpages from w/i netscape.
> >
> > Yes, this is true. w/o Setting MIME up yourself this is what you must do.
> >
> > >dunno where i found the rpm, but after tinkering with the sblive/sources,
> > >figured that it's possible i used something else to get it
> > >working.  guess i
> > >did.
> >
> > Plugger is rather well known and it's homepage is:
> > http://fredrik.hubbe.net/plugger.html.
> > Search on freshmeat will also get you there.
> >
> > >Also, have RealPlayer G2 (redhat rpm) up within the /network folder.
> >
> > Can you actually get that to work? I can't, not since Mandrake 6.0.
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