Eric Lusk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:-
> They just know that without Windows and its endless problems, their tech
> support shows wouldn't be necessary, and they'd be out of jobs.

I, for one, am certain I would lose my current job if Win2K fixed all the
bugs in its basement.

I run a small PC store & have become aware of how hard it is (and expensive,
if you can't do it yourself) to maintain Windows if you're of average
intelligence and not particularly PC-literate. Every day someone comes to
the store, complaining that their Windows installation has crashed/died/etc.
Usually the customer has done one of the following:-

- gone around deleting things in order to save space, and deleted something
- added a program which upgraded MSIE/DirectX/whatever, thereby screwing up
the OS
- added a peripheral which is playing havoc with other devices, trying to
steal resouces, causing random crashes, etc.

More often than not, the best solution is to reinstall Windows. (How
ridiculous is that?) That usually breaks most of the customer's existing
programs, so _they_ need to be reinstalled too.

Also, customers rarely have the necessary drivers. What difference does it
make whether the drivers exist or not, if you can't find them? :-) At least
Linux supports high-quality hardware out-of-the-box. Windows doesn't even do
that, in my experience.

Sorry, I rarely post anything this inflammatory. :) I'm just so tired of
people looking down on Linux when Windows is so patently flawed anyway.


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