Well, we are encountering flames which will tend to push those
who would have value to each other on this list away from it.
And over what?

The unsubscribe doesn't work.  Not if you send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  with message body

unsubscribe cooker

Not even if you use precisely the same email that you started

I have a collection of "Unsubscribe Successful" messages from the
cooker list....

Each time within 9-15 hours email began to arrive again.
I managed ONE successful unsubscribe which lasted for 24 hours,
but I didn't really want to unsub, so I resubscribed.  I just
wanted to make sure the folks having problems getting off the
list were listened to.


You folk wanting to unsub....  Try the new button at the email
lists page of http://www.linux-mandrake.com--Yes there is an
"Unsubscribe" button right next to the "subscribe" one, for every

Keep trying, there does appear to be something wrong yet, but it
will likely be fixed.  And it does not absolutely stop you from
unsubbing, just means you may have to do it more than once.


experimentation involving more than 500 trials with an
ordinary slice of bread and a tablespoon of peanut butter
has determined that the probability a random toss will
land sticky side down (SSD) is approximately .98

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