WH Bouterse wrote:
> David! You said,
> >It's because of msec I believe.. may have been the SysVinit
> >package too.
> >find is searching for modified files.... which could indicate
> >files with
> >a trojan in them... personally i hate it, which is why i do
> >custom...
>  I was interested in your comment about
> 'find' and 'custom'.
> I assume you mean the /etc/security/msec/init-sh/custom.sh?

I meant "/etc/security/msec/init.sh custom", which runs the custom.sh.
If you choose a security leael from the GUI tool, that will undo your
custom settings, but if you set it, and run custom afterwards, you will
have your custom settings.

As for the find, those are the "Do you want me to check for xxx files?"
questions, which you have to answer no to if you don't want those checks
to run constantly. Does anacron and crond conflict or can I have both
running? I don't know.. all I notice is that these finds seem to run way
to often (more than once a day). 

> Or in fact do you mean by 'custom' a custom firewall/ipchains/tripwire
> kind of setup?
> I have been running a Tripwire rpm successfully with 6.1 which
> installed flawlessly and worked right from thestart but have not
> tried it with 7.0 until more "kinks" get worked out on my 7.0 system.
> So to any MandrakeSoft folks who might read this;
> Does msec make something like Tripwire redundant?

No, I meant your first guess. msec doesn't do any firewall things, but
it would be great if it did in a future version. I have been looking for
a firewall setup tool that is easy to use. If I do it by hand I always
end up blocking too much.

> Thanks to All
> William Bouterse
> Juneau Alaska


David Walluck

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