Using both the Air version of vim and the cooker version
(vim-enhanced-5.6-1mdk)I am getting the following error when I try to
jump to a tag after having created a tag file with ctags:

   Tags file not sorted: tags
   tag not found
But the tag file is sorted:

aa      includes/arpa/nameser.h /^      unsigned        aa :1;          \/* 
authoritive answer *\/$/;"  m       struct:
aa      includes/arpa/nameser.h /^      unsigned        aa: 1;          \/* 
authoritive answer *\/$/;"  m       struct:
ABANDONED       includes/dhctoken.h     /^      ABANDONED = 319,$/;"    e       
ABANDONED_LEASE includes/dhcpd.h        240;"   d
abandon_lease   server/mdb.c    /^void abandon_lease (lease, message)$/;"       f
ABS     common/dlpi.c   111;"   d       file:
ACCEPT  includes/dhctoken.h     /^      ACCEPT = 385,$/;"       e       enum:dhcp_token
access_time     common/tr.c     /^        unsigned long access_time;      \/* time we 
last used this entry *\/$/;"      m       struct:routing_entry
ack_lease       server/dhcp.c   /^void ack_lease (packet, lease, offer, when, msg)$/;" 
ack_queue       includes/dhcpd.h        /^      struct lease *ack_queue;        \/* 
List of lease updates the peer$/;"  m       struct:failover_peer
active  includes/dhcpd.h        /^      struct client_lease *active;  

and so and so forth.

Is this known broken?


Brian J. Murrell                              InterLinx Support Services, Inc.
North Vancouver, B.C.                                             604 983 UNIX
        Platform and Brand Independent UNIX Support - R3.2 - R4 - BSD

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