You really should see a doctor about prescribing something to calm your
tendencies towards hysteria...

Never said install and build are the same thing.  But does not matter
whether the build environment is restricted or not, as long as it's set up
properly for the build.  If the build is good, the install will be good.  If
you mess up the build in a "contained" environment, the install can still
royally hose your system.

You seem to be a bit of a paradox.  Very knowledgeable in lots of things but
then you go and say some very weird stuff.  Some people (such as myself) do
all builds as root with no problems hosing the system.  It's other people's
builds that...

> -----Original Message-----
> > Maybe I'm being naive here but...
> >
> > Seeing as nobody but root should be able to change the installed
>                                               ^^^^^^
> >  kernel,
> > what's the problem with requiring it to be built by root?
>                                              ^^^^^
> Change (install) != build!  There is no reason one should need to build
> a package as root, that I have come across so far anyway.  The %install
> process can royally hose your system if you do not develop it in a
> contained environment, which root is not.

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