Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, Roger wrote:
> > Warning: /home/ftp/etc/group saved as /home/ftp/etc/group.rpmorig
> > Warning: /home/ftp/etc/passwd saved as /home/ftp/etc/passwd.rpmorig
> >
> >
> > continued installing.  seems to work w/o problems
> >
> They are %config files, can you diff them plz. one of these days i'll I
> intend to understand how it picks .rpmorig vs. .rpmsave

%config(noreplace) that will install as .rpmorig and leave the existing
file in tact, else it saves the rxisting as .rpmsave and installs the
config out of the rpm. Since people generally have made customizations
to their config file, obviously replacing them is probably a bad idea.


David Walluck

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