It appears that Air's installer (or, more likely, one of the 3rd-party tools
on which it relies) cannot format DOS partitions. If is
modified as you suggest (clearall => 1, auto_allocate => 1) and no DOS
partitions are included in the partitioning() array, kickstart formats the
partitions, installs the files and completes 99% of the installation. :-))

It gets as far as configuring X, where it fails. The X section of my file looks like this:-
'X' => {
                'card' => {
                            'default_depth' => 16,
                            'resolution_wanted' => '1024x768'

Kickstart says:-
"Entering step 'Install system'
Entering step 'Configure networking'
Entering step 'Cryptographic'
Entering step 'Configure timezone'
Entering step 'Configure printer'
Entering step 'Set root password'
Entering step 'Add a user'
Entering step 'Create bootdisk' <-- disabled ('mkbootdisk' => '0')
Entering step 'Install bootloader'
Entering step 'Configure X'
error :("

Console #3 says:-
* unknown line 1538 (2-the-Max MaxColor 6000)
* unknown line 1541 (Gainward Challenger EV)
* unknown line 1544 (MachSpeed VGA ET6000)
* unknown line 1547 (KouTech KeyVision 128EV)
* warning: undefined subroutine &main:: called at line
/usr/bin/perl-install/ at line 824.
* warning: undefined subroutine &main:: called at line
/usr/bin/perl-install/ at line 824.
   ...propagated at /usr/bin/perl-install/ line 825.

(I'm using a card recognised and configured as a V2x00 Rendition Verité. It
works well under Linux and is detected correctly by Air's interactive

Can I tell kickstart to configure Air for a specific graphics card (no
autodetection, no testing)? Alternatively, is it possible to instruct
kickstart to detect the card but not test it?


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] LM7 (Air) kickstart problems w/locale

> "Hugo Rabson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I modified the file (created by interactive
> > as follows:-
> oups. add auto_allocate => 1 (the doc is a bit buggy on this point)

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