On Wed, 09 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> Anyway my consideration comes because I've seen SDL 1.1.0 uploaded.

        That was me (uploading 1.1.0, I'm about to upload another snapshot).
I've uploaded 1.1.0 to contrib because SDL_mixer depends on 1.1.0 and a few SDL
games that are in my upload queue depend on SDL-1.1.0 and SDL-mixer. I'm just
waiting for the mixer RPM to be autobuilt (make that hand-checked and built)
and put into contrib to upload the games.


> Bye.
> Giuseppe.
Hakan Tandogan                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ICONSULT Tandogan - Egerer GbR                   Tel.: +49-9131-9047-0
Memelstrasse 38 - D-91052 Erlangen               Fax.: +49-9131-9047-77

"Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature"

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