On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> Sorry should've included my setup... I have the following
> PIII 450 oc 558 on ABiT BX6r2
> 128 SDRam
> SBLive
> Voodoo 3 3000
> 3Com905b nic
> Tekram 390uw
> No IDE loaded (all scsi drives)
> networked thru @Home cable
> I tried adding append to the LILO and still no luck, I didn't think the 16
> meg and the voodoo card was shared, but not sure about that.  Thanks.
   Scuzzy's, Maxtor's, Fujitsu, Seagate and Conner's are known to
have problems with off spec pci bus speeds, and maybe your ram is
havin problems at 124mhz? Can you give it a little more IO volts,
eg, 3.5volts ? Could be your V3 has problems on a 83mhz AGP bus ? 
Have you tried running at default speed and see if you still have
the problem?
..       Tom Brinkman          [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   .

  > ----- Original Message -----
> From: "pixo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 11:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [Cooker] Major Problem
> > Ray Fisher wrote:
> >
> > > ...I have made several attempts at
> > > making linux recognize the 128 megs of ram I have.
> > > ...
> > > linux still only recognizes 64 megs of ram.
> >
> > Does your machine have the video memory shared with the RAM ?
> >
> > If yes, at install time, you may want to specify 120 instead of 128,
> > supposing you have an 8MB card and use 16 or perhaps 24 bit.
> > Becarefull if you go higher in resolution, (32 bit), you may need to
> > show less, if it accept at all.
> >
> > You can also configure "LILO" as in the following example:
> > append="mem=120M"
> >
> > pixo

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