
On Thu, Feb 24, 2000 at 04:05:00PM -0700, Axalon Bloodstone wrote:

> And probably the best thing todo is continue the
> 'Obsoletes: mozilla-Mxy' untill it is released and then
> 'Obsolete: mozilla-M99999'

NO !
Having the milestone in the name means you nead as many Obsolete lines
as milestones; as of today you must have a *.spec like:

Name: mozilla-M13
Obsoletes : mozilla-M1
Obsoletes : mozilla-M2
Obsoletes : mozilla-M3
Obsoletes : mozilla-M4
Obsoletes : mozilla-M5
Obsoletes : mozilla-M6
Obsoletes : mozilla-M7
Obsoletes : mozilla-M8
Obsoletes : mozilla-M9
Obsoletes : mozilla-M10
Obsoletes : mozilla-M11
Obsoletes : mozilla-M12

That is a real pain.
The milestone must go to the version or the release.

THe problem with it in the version is when 5.0 is out.
A possible solution will be to use a version number like 0.M13 and use 5.0
when it is really out.
Or pur the milestone in the release: 0.M13.1mdk

Never assume that peopel will update from the previous version; often people
updates after 4, 5 or more versions/releases have been out. 

Ki ça vos våye bén,
Pablo Saratxaga

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