WH Bouterse wrote:
> I have been experimenting with GIMP 1.1.7
> from the contrib directory and find it very
> stable and usable!

In fact, gimp is being stabilized and 1.2 is close to be released.

> Is there something I can do to try and crash it !?
> Are there obvious bugs I haven't been bitten by yet?

play with all plugins. Some were used to be very instable (like the
interface for perl).

> It seems to work as well or actually better than
> the 1.0.4 release.

> Am I missing something (as usual) or is the fact that
> it is 1.1x and not 1.even.x precludes it from inclusion in
> lets say 'Cooker' which appears to be at least as stable
> as its predecessor 7.x ??

1.1.x 'll never replace 1.0.x in main CD as it is said to be unstable
(though lastest 1.1.x may be more stable than 0.99x). 1.0.x 'll
eventually be updated to 1.2.0 when this one come alive (but only if
it's table of course).

somewhere between the playstation and the craystation

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