from the quill of Roger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on scroll
> I love it!


> This is what i've been trying to do with my 2 linux boxes for some
> time now.

Trying?  In what way?  It just works.  :-)  It's called X-windows. 
Working remotely is just one of the things that was built into the roots
that whole shemazle that some think is just "a gui on linux".

> (, can even copy/paste between win98/linux
> apps....awesome!)

Dude, where have you been?  :-)  There are umpteen of these things lying
around.  It is basically just an X-server on Windows.  There are a
number of companies in this business and have been for a while now.

> If anyone has any advice on how i "should be" able to do this between
> my 2
> linux boxes w/o buying this (probabely expensive package) let me know.

There are dozens of of O'Reilly books on X.  You really should look into
getting one or two if you did not know this was possible between two
Unix/Linux boxes.

If you have two boxes, A and B (their hostnames) and you are on box B
and want to run a gui app on box A and see it on box B do the following
(B$ is the command prompt on box B and A$ is the command prompt on box
A, and text between the [ ] are comments for the reader):

B$ xauth list $DISPLAY
B/unix:0  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  sekrit_cookie_value
B$ telnet A
[ log into box A ]
A$ xauth add B:0 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  sekrit_cookie_value
A$ xterm &
[ you will see a command window come up, it will be from box A ]
A$ kmail &
[ I have not used kmail, but presumably it's a kde mail application.
  In any case, it will "appear" on your display as well ]
[ You can even exit out of your telnet session and come back to B and
  run things from the "xterm" command window that is left ]
A$ exit

> i looooveee it....awesome....think ms was behind on this

Huh?  X-windows was developed in the mid-eighties!!  Remote access and
all.  You know I just love it when Windows users awe and gasp at the
wonder of Citrix.  X-windows re-implemented, just because MS thought
re-inventing the wheel was a good idea.  Well at least if they re-invent
it they can keep it a "sekrit" and bend'n'ream their customers for the
right to use it.

> (just wrote this email w/i my remote win98 computer w/i the "xmanager"
> with the
> "kmail" utility!)  

Yeah, amazing ain't it?  :-)


Brian J. Murrell                              InterLinx Support Services, Inc.
North Vancouver, B.C.                                             604 983 UNIX
        Platform and Brand Independent UNIX Support - R3.2 - R4 - BSD

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