
Call me old fashioned but suuurely fsck cannot be done on a boot partition if
the boot partition is mounted !?

If this is the case then :

# if /boot is on a partition of his own, mount it now
if grep -q '/boot' /etc/fstab >& /dev/null ; then
   mount /boot

from rc.sysinit (from initscripts-4.97-4mdk) should come after the attempt to do
fsck on it ! Well, that's what I have to do to get my system to even boot with

Also....., the 'Del' and 'End' keys no longer work at the non X level, whatever
the technical term for that is. They work fine under X, but when not in X all
they produce is Beep ~   :(

This is one reason I have stayed clear of Red Hat initscripts. I was hoping,
when I saw that Mandrake were at the 97 level, that this would have been fixed.
To be honest about it it's beyond my knowledge base to correct this problem.
I've tried everything I can find to fix this problem in the past, including
trawling through Red Hat's own knowledge base. My keyborad was just fine on the
old initscripts (i.e. pre 97), so nothing physical has changed. I cannot
believe I am the only one experiencing this, so I guess it's another area of
knowledge I am lacking. If anyone can fill this gap in my knowledge I would be
extremely grateful.


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