> > ok excuse My ignerence but what is the difference between GPL
> and LGPL? and
> > other such licences is there a good place to go to find out the
> different
> > licences and such
> >
> LGPL stand for "Library GPL" and allow a binary
> program to link to a LGPL library.

No, not really. :-) i think a more correct one would be "lesser GPL". LPGL
is not necessarily for .so files, it can be for others as well. but in all,
LGPL is less restrictive than GPL, and does allow proprietary programs to
link to LGPL stuff while for GPL, anything linked must also be GPL. however,
you can link GPL stuff to non-GPL libraries, one of the good examples is
KDE, because KDE uses qt library, which has a really ugly qt license ...

> --
>                    -- Yoann,  http://www.mandrakesoft.com/~yoann/
>      It is well known that M$ products don't call free() after a malloc().
>      The Unix community wish them good luck for their future developments.

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