
I have observed the following with 7.1

1)  The panel battery applet has to be re-launched every time KDE is started
(part of kcmlaptop I believe). This always used to auto start before (like
kbiff which still does). I have raised this issue before, as was told it was
going to be fixed. I am using kdebase 1.1.2-53mdk and kcmlaptop 0.82-8mdk.

2)  update-menus still appears to over write all user entries. I have a number
of links I would quite like to keep, Star Office, JBuilder, Visual Age, Coffee
Cup, WordPerfect Office etc, etc.. update-menus appears to be under the
misconception that if it didn't come with KDE it's not worth putting / keeping
in the menus :) Wouldn't it be nice to have some kind of graphical front end to
menu that allows some kind of manual override if you wish to keep certain
links, maybe even storing them somewhere so you don't have to keep performing
the same confirmation task. I am using menu 2.1.5-12mdk.

3)  Since running update-menus KDE seems to have forgotten what to do with rpm
files ! The icon is correct, but clicking results in a 'what do you want me to
open this with' dialog. I assume this is related to the fact that I had loads
of links and mime types that have been deleted by update-menus ! It would be
very nice to have a check box along the lines of 'I always want to use this
app. to open this kind of file'.

4)  I believe the Mandrake gnome is taken from helix code, so I will aim this
one at you ;-) If you attempt to copy a directory, say on /dev/hda6, to a backup
drive, say /dev/hda1, every single files results in a dialog asking 'file
exists, do you wish to over write ?'. There is no way of saying 'over write
all'. Copying become very tedious for anything above about 6 files ! :)

5)  Relating to number 4). The current gnome warning dialogs quite calmly walk
of the bottom of the screen ! Each file over write dialog (see 4) ) is
presented just below the last. However the checks for the bottom of the screen,
if there are any, appear to be a bite slack ! After about file 10 the dialogs
are more or less off the bottom of the screen. If it's not bad enough having to
say 'yes' to every file (see 4) ) it's even worse having to move the dialog
into view first !!!


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