I've got a cooker mirror of cooker now, and upgraded successfully via
both network and hd installs.  

Fairly smooth although the usual mess of problems with upgrading,
which I mostly put down to having a system which was hacked since the
last vanilla install (7.0 this time).  Just in case not, quick

- strange thing when selecting packages: double clicked on a
particular package (sorry, forgotten which one, three quarters of way
down) and install process gave an error dialog "error: no package
should provide a base package" and then proceeded immediately into
upgrade.  Once upgrade had finished, I was returned to install package

- gnome-network wasn't installed automatically
- XFree86 4 configuration failed: repeated error messages about having
to change a choice of card, resolution, but selecting the right
operation failed each time.  Fixed on startup: problem with font
server not being installed/upgraded/running.   server-common package
was missing

- gnome-iconedit 1.0.6-1 compiled against old gdk_pixbuf

- can't get ppp to work any more.  kppp complains about device
ppp0 being missing.  I have an /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ippp0 file.
Linking ppp0 -> ppp in /dev doesn't help.  Any suggestions?


 - David.

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