So i finally managed to get the cooker mirrored and succeeded in a hd.img
install. Its all good. Ok, now to start helping with debug...

1. On the hd.img install, after it said successfully installed, reboot
/dev/hda6 (where my cooker resides) was not unmounted first causing a
check to be forced. this partition didn't have a label (like /user or
whatever) so it was mounted as /mnt/hd. dont know if that helps or not.

2. when applying themes i get a very similar message for a bunch of the

Kthememgr warning
  No proper Kdelnk file found for Home. Installing icon(s) as home.xpm
                                  ^^^^                        ^^^^^^^^
                                  these parts changed in the error message

these are all the themes that have this problem:

Win98 theme actually went into an infinite loop, everytime i hit the ok
button to close the Kthememgr warning screen it would produce another
warning but the warning message would be a different file everytime, the
first couple were...
  Utilities/Khexedit     <hit ok>
  Graphics/Kpaint        <hit ok>

I had to actually kill the kthememgr process to get out

3. During the install i got the following message after changing
partitions (first 4 gigs = win2k, last gig = cooker location with no
'label' such as /home or whatever, middle 15 gigs auto-allocated)...

"You'll need to reboot before the modifications can take place at
/usr/bin/perl_install/ line 548"

I'm not even really sure this is an error, might have been something funky
that i did but i do know that my /usr directory should have been
non-existent since i deleted my old partitions then did auto-allocate -
unless the hd.img has a /usr/bin/.. 

4. last thing, right after i finally got the install to work, first time i
was logging in, i logged into enlightenment under my non-root account and
after it finished the auto-menu creating i was checking out what was on
the menus and the system locked up, had to hit reset. unfortunately i
wasn't able to reproduce this and i cant remember much about which menu i
was in. i know i was somewhere in the menu that comes up with the middle
mouse button.

Thx to everyone who helped me get up to speed,

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