> [..]
> > perl-MIME-tools-4.124-2mdk.src.rpm
> > perl-MP3-Info-0.80-1mdk.src.rpm
> > perl-MailTools-1.14-1mdk.src.rpm
> > perl-Msgcat-1.03-4mdk.src.rpm
> > perl-Parse-RecDescent-1.78-1mdk.src.rpm
> [..]
> > -/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/*/*/auto/*
> >  /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/*/*/[A-Z]*
> All this stuff seems to be based on the LC_* configuration of the machine.
> In particular, on our in-house build machine kenobi, [A-Z] apparently
> would expand to ABCD...XYZ so there is no problem.
Aha... or there is a problem (just depens on the way you look at things)

> If you check our perl-* rpm's, files are not listed twice.
True... I was wondering how it was pulled off ;-)

> When we built up the RPM's, files were not listed twice. [this leads to a
> fatal build error]

> I can only think that your locale configuration shall expand [A-Z] to
> AaBcCc.. etc, thus leading to files listed twice. We had a talk on this
> mailing already. However I don't know the definite solution to this
> problem. It appears that it is the case with bash-expand but not with
> zsh-expand. Pablo maybe could find the solution?

> Your patch would not apply to both our configurations. :-(

I'd like to know which configurations you guys are building on. I'm
my alpha and intel systems at "cooker" level (all the way up2date) and
having problems with quite some packages...

This is now a LC_* configuration (got todo with the French language?).
gtk+ refuses to build on my systems, it doesn't like make 3.79 (which is
in cooker) but builds fine with make 3.77. And there are some more
(on both alpha and intel) that don't build...

kind regards,

Stefan van der Eijk

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