> audigy2 patch went in multimedia kernel and nobody complained:) Bug poster 
> confirmed that it made sound working for him. It is not a big patch, and 
> it will only affect audigy2 users (if card=audigy2 {....})

which does ? exactly.

> lm_sensors is actually not kernel stuff, but a a typo (by heart I remember 
> somthing like i=expr$Pmodules, while it should be i=expr$modules) error 
> which looks kinda sloppy, and is easy to fix (just try to actually run 'service 
> lmsensors stop' on your machine and you'll see..)

will see with juan..

> (complaining rant:
> Same as above goes for the forgotten ttf2pt1 binary which is in 
> font-tools, these kind of trivial things makes me crave for main write 
> access!)

sorry about that but some things are out of our hands.

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