> Subject: Re: [Cooker] Idea for new utility
> I think a utility that would ./configure , make , build rpm,
> install rpm,  is
> what is needed,  that way you can more easily uninstall the
> program and check
> dependencies of other programs that might need this program.

i see. but they weren't talking about rpm, just run ./configure make and
make install. this is not a good idea ..given the packaging methiod is rpm
for mandrake. i misunderstood their message, that's why i made all the
references about rpm in the msg.

as i said: i'm hacking rpm builder right now. it seems to work ...there's a
version up in contrib , 3mdk, but it's a little borken becuase hte origianl
one didn't have buildroot, and i didn't add it in my patch. i've got an
updaeted patch (4mdk) here on my hard drive, just waiting for lenny to
update it. right now my patch is ok, it can bulid a generic spec, with
description, etc, file list .(it even autogenerates a changelog!!) it's ok
to build stuff as non-root, etc. really schweet. i'm kind of trying to bring
the stuff to mandrake compliance because

(1) i once had a desire to build some kind of program that could make rpms
from source but i'm too lazy to do so
(2) rpmbuiler is easy to hack because it's tcl

rpm builder has been hacked heavily ... prob need some ppl to test for me.

> Serge Lussier wrote:
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Geoffrey Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 8:47 PM
> > Subject: RE: [Cooker] Idea for new utility
> >
> > >
> > > > - My opinion - Its a very good idea!
> > > >
> > > > There is a point: Not all source package tarballs have this
> sequences of
> > > > building:  ./configure; make; make install
> > > > and most of the time we need to be root for the install step.
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > you do NOT need to be root to build RPMs, it is a _very_ bad
> idea, unless
> > > you need to create something which oes need root, e.g. mknod
> > >
> > Strange ...
> > You are talking about RPMs, I was talking about tgz source
> tarballs ... uh?
> > wtf is that ?
> >
> > I think you don't really understand what Alex was talking about
> > or you don't care about the idea...
> > Is your reply only to tell that it's not a good idea or what  ?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Serge Lussier

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