Not to restart this whole thing again, but has anyone noticed the yasop
project?  Noticed it on freshmeat a moment ago.

yasop (Yet Another SOftware Packager) is a script to convert tarballs into
(binary) rpms.

Reading everyone's responses on this subject, I think many were in agreement
that installing tarballs are a Bad Thing(tm) on an RPM-based distribution:

 - It kills dependencies
 - Can overwrite files/packages without anyone knowing
 - No easy uninstall mechanism
 - Etc.

I think that converting a tarball to an RPM is a Good Thing(tm)(although,
maybe not the Best Thing(tm)), and a tool like this (if implemented
properly) looks like a good answer to all of the above problems.  I
personally don't have the time, nor the use, for such a program, but for
those that might, and feel like commenting on this or other available tools,
I'd be interested in hearing your feedback.

Don't you wish everything came with a distribution neutral spec file?

Don Head
Linux Mentor
Wave Technologies, Inc.
[AIM - Don Wave][ICQ - 18804935]
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