On Wed, 2003-03-19 at 17:17, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> On Wednesday March 19 2003 10:23 am, Per Øyvind Karlsen wrote:
> > why are everyone so obsessed about "optimizing" their packages? in
> > most cases it only gives marginal perfomance increase and often
> > introduces weird bugs and performance penalties..
> >
> > here's a little example:
> > http://www.mandrakeforum.org/article.php?sid=2472〈=en
>      That's been my experience.  The only 'speed' benefit compiling 
> for athlon is pyshcological ;)   Building for i686 Intel proccessors 
> can actually be a step backwards.

The original examples cited were entirely valid, though. Video encoding
tools like mjpegtools and transcode will get a significant speed boost
with architecture specific compilation, because they certainly can gain
from extended instruction sets.

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