On Wed, 2003-03-19 at 07:40, Leon Brooks wrote:
> On Wednesday 19 March 2003 05:39 pm, Chad wrote:
> > Then simply type some thing along the lines of urpms (urpmi for SRPMS)
> > urpms –flags=”--mach=k6-2 -o3”  kde-full
> > urpms would then sort out the dependencies required for a full install of
> > kde the kde packages build them in the correct order with the CFLAGS and
> > CXXFLAGS set to the –flags option and install them setting up kdm or mdkdm.
> > I'd also like to be able to do the same with gcc so “ urpms –flags=xxx 
> > gcc”
> Hear, hear! (-:
> I'd also like to implement a simple technique for turning the updates list 
> into an incremental download. New updates are simply appended to an alternate 
> hdlist.cz-ish file (gzip has always known how to cope with this) - maybe call 
> it hdlist.incz - and all urpmi has to do is `resume' downloading against its 
> cached version to get only the bits of the hdlist that have changed since it 
> last looked. This would turn megabytes-long re-downloads of the updates list 
> into kilobytes-long resyncs.

Correct me if I'm wrong here but couldn't urpmi.update -a just use rsync
to grab the hdlist.  I'm thinking that if you have it once and since the
name never changes the second++ time you grab it it would always be an
incremental change... not a whole download.


> > 3)The final suggestion I have is for the creation of an App called
> > something like drakecooker or cookerdrake. This would be a program for
> > helping with cooker testing.
> Hear, hear!
> Cheers; Leon

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