On Sat, 2003-03-22 at 12:59, rowland wrote:
> On Saturday 22 Mar 2003 7:29 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > Actually this bug is a bug in the arch of the cpu it reports itself as
> > an i686 even though it's i586 .... this is a bug in the hardware not
> > necessarily in the kernel.
> ok there is a bug in C3 cpu, but this would not be a problem if an OS that 
> claimed to be for an i586 cpu did not have that directory /lib/i686. If the 
> directory had not been there in the first place, mandrake 9.0 would not have 
> been tried on epia based pc's by newbies and then rejected/badmouthed as 
> useless because it will not load without jumping through hoops!
> This gives linux a bad name it does not need or deserve.
> rowland penny

True but on the other hand without the i686 directory I wouldn't be
sending this e-mail.. I'm running on a celeron 500mhz.  RH SuSE and
Slack all know how to install the i686 optimized kernel and libs so I
work better here.  RH is i386 SuSE is i586 and Slack is well, Slack.
Having the i686 libs if fine and needed if you need the i686 kernel.. I

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