On Wednesday 26 March 2003 20:15, Vox wrote:
> This time Charles Shirley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> becomes daring and writes:
> > problems with FreeCraft crashing with a Segfault after about
> > (very roughly) 15 minutes of play.  Before I submit a bug, I

>   If it's a release, it crashes often, particularly in
>   multiplayer. CVS seems to be behaving well, tho, so that's what we
>   use here at the geekhouse 3 times a week :)

I've become such a wimp!  I haven't even built my own kernel since 
August, and only rarely try to build any user programs from source!
And, to be honest, CVS frightens me!  :^)

Here's to a stable, functional "next release..."


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