----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Mays" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 12:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] New Nvidia drivers for Linux (4349)

> You may not have read ATI's website on the Linux support issue. They
> Linux/FreeBSD work
> but rely on the "X" windowing developers (i.e. XIG, XFree86 teams). I
> included the link to the RPM for the Radeon 9700/PRO. The ATI Radeon
> 9800/PRO, 9600, 9200 boards were just recently released as of yesterday
> (April 2, 2003) so you got 12 weeks before you see XFree86 drivers for
> (maybe sooner?).
> http://www.ati.com/companyinfo/press/2003/4632.html
> http://www.bebits.com/app/2938
> http://dri.sf.net/
> http://utah-glx.sourceforge.net/
> http://www.thedirks.org/v4l2/
> http://bytesex.org/xawtv/
> http://www.xig.com/
> http://gatos.sourceforge.net/
> 86.rpm
> ~Ken

Thanks for the links, but . I talk here about good 3D acceleration, not 2D
display . I have a R8500 card since november 2001Drivers 2.5.1 do not work
on mandrake 9.1.
In 2002, ATI has released drivers in 2002 in april, june, november. I was
thinking : sweet, the releases are not very often, but at least they are at
regular periods. But since november, they have flatlined.
What I see is that 7 days after the release of Mdk 9.1 and RH 9, nvidia have
working drivers for XFree 4.3. Those for ATI are still awaited. I can make
DRI work with my R8500, but flashy colors give me headaches, and performance
is barely higher than for a 7500. Moreover, they do not answer emails,
despite their feedback survey, whereas nvidia has a forum where an internal
developper actively discuss issues.

So what I refer to is :
where you learn that ATI's patches are not added in XFree (not ATI's fault
where you learn that 9200+ specs are not given by ATI anymore (this is more

I am unhappy of that situation, because I love my card, picture quality is
wonderful. But I'd like to have more feedback/PR from ATI since they made

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