On Thu Jun 05, 2003 at 07:49:58PM -0400, Dan Scott wrote:

> > I'm almost tempted to say we should have this by default.  Two things come
> > to mind here (which is why I'm not in a super hurry to fix this thing, and
> > likey will issue an advisory with info on how to correct the problem rather
> > than a new php-ini package):
> > 
> > - anyone using phpinfo() and making it publically accessible is insane
> >   because it offers more than just XSS problems; the data exposure alone is
> >   likely more damaging than any XSS vulns
> > - I dislike putting out updates for config fixes; give me a patch for php
> >   itself and you've got yourself an update (although I would hesitate on
> >   something as trivial as this)
> > - XSS vulns are so widely in existance and, really, pretty petty in the
> >   grand scheme of things that they don't really warrant an update (in my
> >   mind) 
> > 
> > Ok, three things.  =)
> > 
> > That being said, I'd be more than happy to see this as part of the default
> > php in cooker and Mandrake from this point forward.  Obviously, a user can
> > change it after the fact (or, if we decide to leave it, could change it to
> > the above after the fact as well).
> > 
> > Of course, people dislike it when I introduce or suggest better security

Like I said...

> > measures, so I suspect the consensus from people will be to leave well
> > enough alone.  Although (tip for anyone doing any hosting), one should
> > disable this function globally on a server if you allow others to host web
> > pages on your machine.
> Security issue? Maybe. But only if we shipped a sample PHP script that
> was accessible by default and which used that function.

I never claimed this was a serious security issue.  Did you read what I
wrote above as to not issuing an update?  If I thought it was a serious
issue, an update would be in the works.

> You could see that patch as being similar to removing strcpy() from
> glibc; sure, it would arguably improve the security of any programs that
> were updated to use strncpy(), but it would also dramatically increase
> the number of patches required to make packages available on your
> distro. 

Ummm... no doubt.  You're preaching to the choir, thanks.

> Yeah, okay, phpinfo() is far less useful than strcpy(), but remember to
> take into account the number of PHP tutorials that use 
> <?php echo phpinfo(); ?> 
> as the equivalent of "Hello, world" and determine which case you want to
> handle: 
> * disabling phpinfo() and dealing with people complaining that PHP
> doesn't work on Mandrake, because phpinfo() is a standard PHP function
> documented at php.net and within numerous books, tutorials, articles
> * leaving phpinfo() enabled and dealing with the security threat posed
> by a PHP developer who writes a script using phpinfo() and then makes
> that script accessible on a public server

Frankly, either would work for me.  As I said before, it's really not that
big of a deal either way.  In one instance, you disable it, in another, you
enable it.  I honestly don't see what the fuss is.  As far as an update
goes, however, changing how PHP works all of a sudden is not the best way to
go... I'd rather fix PHP itself than use a hack and impose it on everyone
(informing individuals, on the other hand, is perfectly acceptable).

Anyways, in my mind, having a script with phpinfo() publically available is
stupid.  I disable this on my own servers because I host other people's
websites and have little control over thier content.  And if they really
needed that info, they could just ask.

> I suspect the first case is much more likely to occur. Disabling part of
> the published API for a language is a recipe for much wailing and
> gnashing of teeth.

Bah.  It's a 10sec fix.  In the grand scheme of things, no matter how it is
dealt with (if at all), it's pretty minor.  Anyways, I suspect a fix will be
in place (in PHP itself) before 9.2 is out so there isn't that much of a big

I also think you should re-read what I wrote since I made it as a suggestion
that I knew would return responses like this.  And I only made it for cooker
alone; doing it in release versions of PHP isn't an option.

MandrakeSoft Security; http://www.mandrakesecure.net/
Online Security Resource Book; http://linsec.ca/
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