>From My experience the php.ini rpm in 9.1  was kind of .. err .. sad.

I once had to disable safe mode so a devloper could use surtain php things . 

Good trappist ( a friend of mine from #mandrake )  had a php.ini  online that was 
cleaned out.. stripped. 
I've just had to copy his file and all _just_ worked.

So my suggestion is :

set one up that is tuned for mandrake that just works  AND  a default-php.ini  with 
all the comments and other default stuff untouched so if one want's a oriental config 
, s/he can use that as a template.

My thoughts .. 


Thibaut Fernagut, Director of Security
Burning Frog  - I.T. Services To Set Your World On Fire
Doornstraat 32, B-8970, Poperinge, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)57 332967 Fax: +32 (0)57 332967 Mobile: +32 (0)473 774334
Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Web: http://www.burningfrog.be

Thibaut Fernagut, Director of Security
Burning Frog  - I.T. Services To Set Your World On Fire
Doornstraat 32, B-8970, Poperinge, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)57 332967 Fax: +32 (0)57 332967 Mobile: +32 (0)473 774334
Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Web: http://www.burningfrog.be

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