Le mar 17/06/2003 à 22:10, andre a écrit :
> On Tuesday 17 June 2003 22:21, Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
> >
> > Argh. "another addition to the GUI"..
> >
> More like rpmdrake and rpmdrake-remove are just not the right tool for 
> non-root users to select rpms.

That's sounds sensible to me IMHO.
Indeed users need to know which packages are installed and which ones
can be installed, and for this need search features ( name, category,
summary, origin ).
So the best way is to do a separate tool. keep rpmdrake and
rpmdrake-remove small ( so don't need to increase startup time ).
Do a separate tool ( application finder, Drake Carpet, or whatever u
want ) this one will have a longer startup time ( to compute installed
and uninstalled packages ), one window, search criteria, grouping.
Search results precise if package is installed or not ( with a color or
with a checkbox ) and of course description of the package.

Now I just want to make an assumption : users should not have access to
package file list or at least for core or important or server software.
To my mind it is a security risk as users doesn't need to knwo where
they are. Maybe binary/doc for common packages but for core
packages/server/critical packages they should not see them.

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