On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 05:23:31PM +0200, Daouda LO wrote:
> A new version of userdrake is released. It is completly
> rewritten from C to Perl (More precisely Gui is now in perl-Gtk2
> and backend is in XS). the XS part relies on libuser.
> The new userdrake comes with many features and the Gui is now more
> consistent (isn't it?). 
> Some of the features are:
> - Easy way to add/remove users in groups and vice versa
> - Dialog box for deleting user's home and user mail spool when removing user
> - libuser API (security/consistency when accessing users info files)
> - No more /etc/{ptmp,gtmp} nightmares.
> - Ability to put Uid and Gid manually when adding user/group
> - Change of the primary group of users
> - 2 filters for system and normal users (pattern matching)
> - Password aging
> - Ability to lock user's account
> - User's account expiration
> ...
> Missing features:
> - LDAP configuration (coming up)
> userdrake2 requires libuser1-0.51.7-2mdk.i586.rpm or higher to work properly
> Please test and report bug. 

I'll see whether I have time to test it, some feature requests though:
- NIS support (rebuilding maps when changing auth-files)
- crypt/md5 switching on nis server (for solaris<9 nis clients)

I'm sure I'll find some more when I try it...

does it work on 9.1?



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