
new version 0.3alpha1 of LinCVS released. 

-new configuration file system implemented (based on AppConf from Karsten
Ballueder & Vadim Zeitlin) 
-convenient way for adding files in cvs directories 
view of the log messages in tree and list form and diff between different
revisions (based on code from Cervisia, thanks to Bernd Gehrmann) 
-module browser in the checkout/import dialog 
-possibility for disabling/enabling of directories in Workbench for scanning 
-new choose-dir-dialog as workaround for trouble with qt-2.1; it works now
with qt-2.1 also 
-indicating of modified files in directories after opening of dir 
-opening file with double click in editor (choose your preferred editor in
the configuration file (for instance: "cooledit" or "xterm -exec vi")) 
-now you can modifiy the intervall for checking status of files in current
directory, if the cpu usage on your machine is too high (see cfg file:

cu, Tilo

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