Tilo Riemer wrote:
> Hi,
> new version 0.3alpha1 of LinCVS released.
> see:
> http://ppprs1.phy.tu-dresden.de/~trogisch/lincvs/lincvsen.html
> ChangeLog:
> -new configuration file system implemented (based on AppConf from Karsten
> Ballueder & Vadim Zeitlin)
> -convenient way for adding files in cvs directories
> view of the log messages in tree and list form and diff between different
> revisions (based on code from Cervisia, thanks to Bernd Gehrmann)
> -module browser in the checkout/import dialog
> -possibility for disabling/enabling of directories in Workbench for scanning
> -new choose-dir-dialog as workaround for trouble with qt-2.1; it works now
> with qt-2.1 also
> -indicating of modified files in directories after opening of dir
> -opening file with double click in editor (choose your preferred editor in
> the configuration file (for instance: "cooledit" or "xterm -exec vi"))
> -now you can modifiy the intervall for checking status of files in current
> directory, if the cpu usage on your machine is too high (see cfg file:
> cu, Tilo

thanks tilo !
will have a look at it ! :)

Lenny Cartier / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        "L'Open Source pour les moines ca tombe carrement sous le sens"
                                                                Vince --

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