On Thu, 26 Jun 2003 18:44:39 +0200, Buchan Milne wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> mandrake wrote:
>> needed by cups
>> these packages has been moved from cooker contrib to cooker main:
>> - openslp-1.0.11-1mdk.src.rpm (alpha) - openslp-1.0.11-1mdk.alpha.rpm
>> (alpha) - libopenslp1-devel-1.0.11-1mdk.alpha.rpm (alpha) -
>> openslp-1.0.11-1mdk.ppc.rpm (ppc)
>> - libopenslp1-devel-1.0.11-1mdk.ppc.rpm (ppc) -
>> openslp-1.0.11-1mdk.i586.rpm (i586) -
>> libopenslp1-devel-1.0.11-1mdk.i586.rpm (i586)
> Uhhh, according to cups doc, openslp is a less efficient browsing model
> than the cups native browsing. But if we're going to have it in, then
> surely we should build KDE with slp support (and get it working
> out-the-box)?

Ofcourse a specialiased protocol (ipp is printing only?) is more effecient
than slp, however slp is designed as a service locater, hence slp ~
service location protocol. In fact it's an integral part of
zeroconf/rendezvouz. It's because of SLP that iChat can automaticly
discover other iChat's on the local subnet. Lets keep it in main,
developers might actually learn about it ;).

You probably already know that, and I agree that it sucks to have yet
another daemon.

I wonder why there is so few gconfd like daemons. Starts when needed - and
shuts down after 30 seconds of inactivity.

> - --
> |--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------| Buchan
> Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager Cellphone *
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> =Lx4r
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