On Sat, 2003-06-28 at 00:25, John van Spaandonk wrote:
>  > I can print .pdf files from the
> > > command line both using lp and lpr.

Then I commented
> > Just the same, but how did we end up with lp -d printer_name and lpr -P
> > printer_name, I've got two printers attached.

To which John wrote:

> ? Here I don't understand you, but I'm not a native English speaker :-

Don't worry, I don't think even native speakers understood it.

What happened was that I thought I had the problem with lp and lpr. I
did lp xxx.pdf nothing happened. Then I did 'lpr xxx.pdf' and got a
message to say the job was queued for the Epson printer but that was not
connected, my son has 'borrowed' it. So now I had to direct the output
to the Canon, so I typed 'lp -p canon xxx.pdf', quick error message, OK
'man lp', 'man lpr', lp needs -d printer_name, lpr needs -P printer_name
as the argument

But I may have stumbled on something, the Epson and Canon are both on
the same parallel port, there is a manual switch. So really the Canon
should have swallowed a load of Epson codes and printed pages of
garbage. Is it the drivers? What is your printer?


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