David Hart wrote:

>         This needs attention fast. I've downloaded and checked the extentions
> iso's from both free.fr and tucows, and both have the same bad rpms all over
> them. Just another reason why I really, really hate the beta=iso plan. Here's
> the output of "rpm -qi -p * 2> " under 7.1b3 for the Mandrake/RPMS2 dir on the
> extensions iso. Comes out to around 250 rpms that haven't been installed in any
> of the beta3 testing we've all been doing.

I can confirm this same problem when run on the beta3 hd install made
from the combined CD images as downloaded from ftp.free.fr,
loop-mounted and copied into a new space.

These iso images have STILL not arrived on my local aarnet mirror.

While beta distribution by iso images has the advantage that if
properly designed and managed updates can be very efficiently
distributed, until all this is in place, I favour restoration of the
tree method of distribution using a new separate mandrake-devel 7.1
beta tree, and that fast, as David requests.   The cooker tree can be
maintained independently at the same time.



Ron. [AU] - sent by Mandrake Linux.

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