On Sat, 05 Jul 2003 03:52:37 +0100, Adam Williamson wrote:

> Here's the current happy fun bugs I have with Cooker:
> still seem to have this devfsd problem that people are experiencing to
> various degrees. loop, nvidia, usbmouse and probably some others I don't
> know about are not loaded on boot.
> just now, the system's starting freezing at "Finding module
> dependencies:" - it sits there and does nothing. I can workaround this
> with Alt-SysRq-E, which terminates whatever is freezing the system, and
> boot continues, but then the X Font Server fails to initialise properly
> (complains about some executable not existing).
> So to boot up I have to pick my kernel, do Alt-SysRq-E when module
> dependencies freeze, login to the console, modprobe nvidia and usbmouse,
> restart the xfs service and restart the dm service. This is not optimal.
> :)
> Any status on these problems, particularly the devfsd one? I'm running
> devfsd-1.3.25-30mdk , which seems to be the latest. I note that the
> changelog for 29mdk reads "really package /sbin/devfsd-try-modload", but
> I don't *have* /sbin/devfsd-try-modload , nor does urpmf find it.

I've seen the same error. Didn't know the workaround though. I don't think
it's related to the missing module loading. That works here with the same
devfsd (1.3.25-30mdk).  Although i dont have /sbin/devfsd-try-modload

Frej Rasmussen.

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