On Mon 07 Jul 2003 20:54, Élie Charest posted as excerpted below:
> Since about a month, all packages I've installed with URPMI have come with
> a bad signature warning. While this is at most an inconvenience (I can
> still install the packages) I'm wondering if this is because of a bad
> setup, or if indeed the packages are not being signed.

This was covered back then on the list, but I guess you missed it..

RPM 4.2 does its own key handling, rather than relying on gpg.  Thus, you need 
to export those Mdk keys in ascii armored format, then import them into RPM.  
You can check the archives for the specific commands, or it looks like you 
are familiar with the gpg side already, and the rpm side info can be gleaned 
from the RPM man page and help output.

One cautionary note.  Someone mentioned that you need to export each key to 
its own file from gpg, then import them into rpm, as rpm doesn't work right 
if put multiple keys into a single file.

Duncan - List replies preferred.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin

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