On Tue, 2003-07-15 at 09:02, Frederic Crozat wrote:

> > forgive my ignorance, but is there any way to get around that topborder
> > constraint without patching the thing? If yes, please enlighten me. If
> > no, could that please be patched or at least could a patch be included
> > in the src.rpm so that people can get rid of that rather unusual
> > feature? I did patch metacity some months ago and told so on the list,
> > now people ask /me/ for patches. But I'm not into wm coding, so I'm
> > rather reluctant to give away patches that I made up in a hurry. I
> > honestly admit that I have no idea what I'm doing with these patches.
> I don't think it is possible without patching and I won't integrate such a
> patch.. If you want the feature, fill a bug on bugzilla.gnome.org and see
> what Havoc has to say about it..

argh - really bad decision. Havoc won't implement it for his own reasons
(he thinks it's too confusing, or something). This way I'll never be
able to use metacity on my laptop, even though it'd be a good fit (the
laptop badly needs efficient programs - only 128MB RAM). Without being
able to drag windows off the top of the screen, Linux is utterly
unusable on a 480 high display, so I'm stuck with sawfish on the laptop
for ever.

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