>>>>> "A" == Adam Williamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    A> Well, you've reported two essentially invalid bugs, which isn't
    A> helping anyone much :)

You'd be surprised -- I get technical questions solved all the time by
finding false positives.  Diskspace for archives is cheap, especially
compared to the alternative (long OT discussions like this ;)

Second to "not a bug" answers, the next-best good sign of a non-bug is
"question is posted, but never answered" which implies only one person
found the trouble, thus likely a cruft conflict solveable by a
re-install or delete of something.

    A> Associating prism2 cards with orinoco_cs by default is correct
    A> behaviour given the qualities of orinoco_cs vs. wlan-ng, and
    A> besides, merely comes from the stock pcmcia-cs config file.  --

Which, again, is good to have in the archives for future reference.
Mailing lists like cooker are not transient things, they accummulate a
searchable knowledge base, so it's to our advantage to have every
possible variation of every question asked to trap the queries that
come through the search engine.

My opinion of course, but having been here in the cooker for 500+
messages a day since Mdk 6.0, in all that volume, I've never once seen
a stupid question that shouldn't have been asked.

Gary Lawrence Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: office voice/fax: 01 519 4222723
  Business Advantage through Community Software - http://teledyn.com
"what I need is a job that doesn't interfere with my work" -gary murphy

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