On 07.19, Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote:
> >>>>> "G" == Gary Lawrence Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     G> cs46xx.c:950: error: long, short, signed or unsigned used
>     G> invalidly for `off' cs46xx.c:951: error: long, short, signed or
>     G> unsigned used invalidly for `val'
> Since the cooker archives contain no match for "cs64xx.c u32" it seems
> likely the fix is not yet recorded.
> The fix is to replace "u32 long" with "u32" on lines 950 and 951.
> [ How the heck could you have a u32 _long_??  32 bits is 32 bits no
>   matter how you look at it. ]

That smells _bug_.

Think if you have

        unsigned long long i; // 64 bits !!

and do a
        sed -e 's:unsigned long:u32:g'


J.A. Magallon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      \                 Software is like sex:
werewolf.able.es                         \           It's better when it's free
Mandrake Linux release 9.2 (Cooker) for i586
Linux 2.4.22-pre6-jam1m (gcc 3.3.1 (Mandrake Linux 9.2 3.3.1-0.3mdk))

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